Eighteen Red Rose Round Bouquet
This flower bouquet consists of 18 long sticks of roses. The roses are arranged in the shape of a bouquet and given a gothic look by wrapping up the same with a black non-oven paper. The stylish appearance is given a final touch by tying it up with a red, beautiful ribbon. Gift this unique bouquet to your loved ones and see a glowing blush appear on their faces!
NO. You don't need any account when place your online order, our system will send a confirmation to you by email and SMS.
We accept most credit cards, VISA / MasterCard / American Express, Paypal, Alipay, Payme, Fast Payment System (FPS) in Hong Kong and also accept Cash deposit to our HSBC account.
We deliver flowers and gifts to anywhere in Hong Kong even Lantau, Hong Kong Airport, Discovery Bay, Tung Chung, Park Island, Sai Kung, Lamma Island or New Territories even Restaurant, office, Hospital, Schools and you can also choose to pickup at specify MTR stations.
SURE ! We deliver to anywhere in Hong Kong even Restaurant, Office, Home, Hospital, Hotel, Ferry Pier, Airport, DisneyLand...etc
Please write down your booking number of name of reservation for delivery purpose.
We do same-day delivery, but for best quality, we suggest customer to place the order at least one day in advance, so we can order the best flowers for our clients.
If the recipient does not like the flowers from you, please contact our customer services by email within two hours after delivery, the recipient can return the flowers to our office address within 4 hours after she receive the flowers, refund will be issued after deducting the delivery charge on the order, or we can collect the flowers from recipient, but HK$100 labour charge plus 50% total of order amount will be charged.
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: HKG-2861
- Weight: 2.00kg
- Dimensions: 40.00cm x 40.00cm x 50.00cm